Saturday, January 24, 2015

We were due.

Passed my NCLEX this week and can officially say I an now a Registered Nurse. I still have eight classes to take until my bachelors but I am taking one at a time to give myself a well-deserved break. No more clinicals, no more labs, just 24 credits of literal BS. Nursing theory, nursing management, evidence based practice... At least with this program I can choose two nursing electives and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to NRSG 3070: Threats and Crises: Nursing Response. Terrorism, wars, and natural disasters here I come!

But I had just finished an assignment that is due tomorrow earlier this evening when Evie, who had been feeling off for the past couple days, had reached her point.

Normally, she is a very easy going little girl. When it was time for dinner, even before dinner, she was crying. I wish I could give you something to compare it to but the best I can is to that of a mandrake.  Not as high pitched but just as loud; best I can describe it is colic but with the lungs of a seven-year-old.

We took her temperature, offered varying episodes of Spongebob, she had pooped today but still she screamed. Now she ads hitting with her screaming. Not us fortunately, but whatever inanimate object is closest to her. (However, she did have a record eight attempts at biting us out of frustration.)

We tried to feed her one of her favorite meals. She wasn't having it. After ten minutes of even more screaming and pounding on the table we figured she was exhausted from not sleeping well last night and I decided to give her a bath.

I ran the water a little warmer than usual (she loves it at near hot tub temperature), stripped her down, put her in, and knelt beside the tub.

Her screams slowly turned into whimpers as I reached over and slowly poured water on her back, moving up to her hair.

There's a song in my religion that will bring a parent to tears particularly if there is something challenging with their children. I started to sing. Admittedly, I can't sing worth crap but it was more to calm myself than it was for Evie.

I am a Child of God,
And He has sent me here.
Has given me an earthly home,
With parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me,
Walk beside me. 
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do, 
To live with him someday.

I am a Child of God,
And so my needs are great...

It was at this point I could not continue and became a hot emotional mess. However, Evie was now lying back in the water looking up at me, making a connection that I have not seen for a very long time.

So I continued...

Help me to understand His words,
Before it grows too late.

At this point I heard, "Pull up your pants. Your butt crack is showing" coming from my nine-year-old in the hallway.

Already upset and drained, I naturally yelled at him which, naturally, set Evie off again screaming.

I started to sing again and to my amazement, she made eye contact with me and settled down. Then I realized, she wasn't looking at me, but at the vanity light over my right shoulder. There wasn't any real connection, it was just my special little girl getting lost in the light. 

She sat up and began to pound the faucet so I ran the water for, quickly brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas and passed her off to my husband who had just finished cleaning up after dinner.

He is still trying to get her to sleep, granted I haven't heard her scream for a while. 

I hope she was just tired and tomorrow she will return to her happy self but for right now I'm going to be selfish and say I'm tired. I'm so very tired. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a peaceful night, all of you. You all certainly need it. The hot bath, and the singing of the song, were a beautiful picture, in the middle of a very stressful situation.
