Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your kid is stupid

Anyone who as ever been to an IEP meeting you would know how frustrating it can be. These fun Individual Education Plan meetings can occur once or twice per year and involve you, your spouse (if applicable), your childs teacher and paraeducators such as occupational, speech, and physical therapists.

Don't get me wrong, I've been fortunate enough to have caring teachers in my daughters life however I've never come away from one of these meetings feeling positive of my daughters future. I've been told she has no object permanence, major step in child development which isn't true. Like most people, she could care less about things she's not interested in. Try to test her object permanence with a toy, she wouldn't have any. An electronic item such as an iTouch... now she's completely interested.

What brought me to write about this is what happened two days ago. At her last IEP meeting, her behavior on the developmental scale would be between nine and twelve months.  I'm watching TV, folding clothes when Evie is fussing and squawking because she's hungry. I tell her dinner is almost ready, we'll eat in a bit. She walks over to a floor lamp that was next to me and starts to take hold of it. I tell her "Evie, you need to wait for dinner I know you're hungry." After no waiting at all she goes upstairs when I hear a crash seconds later. I go up to find she went to the living room, directly to an even taller floor lamp we have and knocked it over. She stands there, looks at me, and walks into the kitchen. A bit smarter than a twelve year old in my opinion.

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